June 9, 2019 Announcements

6/9 – Erica Franklin
6/16 – Shalena Westbrook 
PreSchool Children’s Church:
6/9 – Shalena Westbrook
6/16 – Michelle Ennis 
VBS Family night will be this evening, at 6pm. Join us as our VBS kids show us everything they’ve learned at VBS!!!
The Mission Action Quilting Ladies meet every Tuesday, 1:30-3pm.
Sisters Lunch, Wednesday, June 12th at 12pm at Savor.
Church@Camp – Our first Church@Camp for 2019 will be on June 12th. There will be a carry-in dinner and the pool will be open.  Bring a dish to share and your swimsuit!!
Houston House Service, Sunday, June 16th, 2:30pm 
TCMT will start next Sunday, June 16th.  Registration will begin at 6pm.  Click here for a packing list.
Summer Camp Forms can be found on the table in the foyer or online: 
Day Camp – for kids completing K-2nd grades
Children’s Camp – for kids completing 3rd-5th grades
Summer camps are coming!!  Help is needed!!! Please see Shalena Westbrook if you would like to help with Children’s Camp, or contact the TCBA office (417-967-2015) if you would like to help with Day Camp. 
1. Go to your app store (Google Play or Apple) and download the ShareFaith App. 
2. When the app is downloaded, open the app and search for “OBC Houston, MO”. 
The app is updated weekly (usually on Monday unless it’s a holiday).  To view the update, click on the circular arrows in the menu to get the updates.  If you have any questions or need any other help, just contact the church office.   
Don’t forget we have online/text giving.  You can click here for more information.