We would be thrilled to have your littlest ones join us. It is our desire to provide a room that is both clean and engaging; to show even our smallest friends the love of Christ through our volunteers; to give parents as much confidence as we can that their children will be well cared for by loving trustworthy caregivers and volunteers. Our nursery is for babies up to 2 years old and is available during Sunday School (10:00am) and Morning Worship (11:00am).

And for your slightly bigger children, we are so excited to invite you to our Children’s Church. Each Sunday there will be a whole lot of Jesus and whole lot of fun with an engaging lesson and singing and games! Children’s Church is for children age 2 to 2nd grade and is available during our Morning Worship time.
We try to have a Kids Min activity once a quarter. Check the announcements, or the church calendar for more details.
To view information about our Sunday School classes click here.
If you want to schedule a visit to tour the facilities before attending please contact the church office.
417-967-2940 or email